Can Patients Who Have Had Knee Replacements Do Tai Chi

Hip/ Knee Replacement: Post-operative Tai Chi Exercises

Grooming Video (Chinese version only)

Hip/ Knee Replacement: Post-operative Tai Chi Exercises Training Video (Chinese version only)

Practise Instructions

1st: Commencing

1st: Commencing

  1. Stand with feet together, then step sideway with left foot.
  2. Heighten arms to shoulder level.
  3. Semi-squat with artillery down.
  4. Stand up with arms to shoulder level, then semi-squat again (Repeat this step one time).

2nd: Reverse Reeling Forearm

2nd: Reverse Reeling Forearm

  1. Heighten arms to shoulder level, with palms facing each other.
  2. Open correct arm horizontally, then dorsum to the front end.
  3. Open left arm horizontally, then back to the front. (Repeat this step twice)

3rd: Golden Rooster Stands On One Leg

3rd: Golden Rooster Stands On One Leg

  1. Put downwards right arm.
  2. Lift up left arm and leg
  3. Put downward left arm and leg, then lift upward right arm and leg
  4. Put downwards right arm and leg. (Repeat this footstep twice)

4th: Wave Hands Like Clouds

4th: Wave Easily Like Clouds

  1. Raise arms to shoulder level and to right side.
  2. Step sideway with left foot and open left arm horizontally.
  3. Motion right arm and leg to the left.
  4. Step sideway with right human foot and open up right arm horizontally.
  5. Move left arm and leg to the right. (Repeat this pace twice)

5th: Single Whip

5th: Single Whip

  1. Step forwards with left pes and open arms horizontally.
  2. Pace astern with left human foot and move correct arm to the front.
  3. Step forward with correct foot and open arms horizontally.
  4. Stride astern with right foot and move left arm to the front. (Repeat the whole motion twice)

6th: Grasp Peacock's Tail

6th: Grasp Peacock's Tail

  1. Step forward with left pes and palms facing downward.
  2. Weight-shift backward and bend elbows, and so weight-shift forrad and straighten elbows.
  3. Step astern with left foot and palms facing each other.
  4. Step forward with right pes and palms facing downward.
  5. Weight-shift astern and curve elbows, and so weight-shift forward and straighten elbows.
  6. Footstep astern with correct foot and palms facing each other. (Repeat the whole motility twice)

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The Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and the Physiotherapy Section of the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital would try to ensure the accurateness of information provided on the website. The information contained in the videos and other content on the website has been made available for reference only, and is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or prevention of any disease. If whatsoever person feels unwell, please seek medical advice promptly to receive timely and advisable treatment. The Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital shall under no circumstances be responsible or liable for whatever joint replacement post-operative exercises performed without professional guidance. If you have whatever questions well-nigh the video content and other information on the website, delight consult a registered doctor or physiotherapist.

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Copyright 2022 Physiotherapy Department of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Infirmary. All rights reserved.



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