My Acme Theme by Dan Nickerson Review - Is It Another SCAM!

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About The Elevation Theme:

ACME Theme is created by Dan Nickerson for WordPress as a customized version of the Twenty Ten Theme. This theme is designed with monetization features, merely you lot accept to install Twenty Ten Theme to use information technology. This versatile, clean and simple WordPress Theme is designed with additional firing ability specifically for marketers.

Dan Nickerson is the brains behind this theme, plus he is besides the co-creator of WordPress Socrates theme. He has been creating successful online businesses from 1994 and is well-known for the LinkOpp Imprint Programme. Dan is too the co-creator of the iFart app and wears other hats as a coach, speaker, inventor and marketer.

The Elevation Theme Features Review:

Like Dan, I too believed that the 20 10 Theme could exercise with some customizations so I am really pleased with this version. With the customizations, you will exist able to upload prototype logo easily as your text title; an pick widget for imprint ads; utilize custom background; earn passive commission using a built-In affiliate footer link and much more.

At that place is no doubt that yous will beloved this theme more the Twenty Ten theme. Furthermore, the license will requite you lot unlimited utilize and flexibility, and so you don't take to purchase other themes for your blogs.

How The Acme Theme Works:

ACME theme is designed to fix the issues with WordPress 2013 and comes with all the features that can satisfy your needs as a marketer. You tin can apply the theme to place ads effectively on your site; upload logos; squeeze folio; custom CSS box and more. The Acme WordPress Theme can also exist used for your affiliate, Adsense, squeeze page, sales and membership websites, providing you with endless ways to earn money

With the new features, you will get to create unique quality pages. Also that, y'all can use the theme to add together CSS and HTML code also every bit deactivate WordPress CSS without interfering with WordPress CSS.

What Makes Superlative WP Theme Different:

Fifty-fifty though you might be satisfied with your Twenty Ten Theme, yous can get even more from the Elevation theme . One of the good things about this theme is that y'all tin can customize it to suit your niche or business organisation. For instance, you can edit the CSS codes inside the CSS box to easily get the desired look for your website or web log.

Apart from uploading a logo or image hands beside the title, y'all will get many optional advertisement units to earn more from your weblog. You lot will also get a chance to integrate Google Analytics and accept advantage of two extra SEO home page setting and layout options.

The most impressive feature on the Tiptop WP Theme is the unique Flex page and squeeze folio template. This template is extremely versatile and will give you lot lots of options to play with.

Of course, I cannot forget nearly the low introductory price of $7.00 which is non only a steal, but volition also permit you lot to go gratuitous upgrades. From personal feel, I tin can tell you lot that this is a powerful theme that is extremely to use.

What I didn't Like in The Summit Theme WordPress:

Most people might be confused about changing from Socrates to the Acme Theme. So, this could deter others from buying the customized theme fifty-fifty though it'southward much cheaper.


With a 60 Day Coin Back Guarantee offer, you can get a refund if you lot are not satisfied with the theme.

Meridian Theme Bonus Or Disbelieve Offers:

The Acme theme is selling at a discounted price as a Express Time Offering , plus you tin can get other bonus items.

Final Determination:

The ACME Theme is ideal for anyone who is looking for a clean, simple and fast WordPress Theme with monetization features.

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